When you purchase an item in a game which was downloaded and installed from ONE store you can find your purchase receipt following these steps:

ONE store (S. Korea)

  • Open the ONE store app
  • Open the 'Me' menu [ 마이 ] (bottom right corner) 
  • Choose 'Purchase history'  [ 구매내역 ]
  • Tap on 'In-app purchase' [ 인앱구매  ]
  • Choose the purchase which caused the issue

Please copy the order ID (TxID)  in your message and also take a screenshot from the receipt where the transaction details are visible!

ONE store Global (outside S. Korea)

  • Open the ONE store app
  • Open the 'My' menu (bottom right corner) 
  • Choose 'Purchase history' 
  • Tap on the 'In-App purchase' tab
  • Choose the 'Receipt' text for the purchase in question to view more details about it 

Please copy the order ID (Receipt Code) in your message and also take a screenshot from the receipt where the transaction details are visible!